Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Premiere

All right people. This is an experiment.

The clincher for the making of my own blog may simply be because of the creation of Sir Faizi's blog wherein he creates a rather formal environment. Seems almost that he's writing a report to a professor in preparation for the upcoming school year. Gotta prepare eh Faizi? Wouldn't want to turn out like your brother and merely be a chiropractor, because as we all know, there's no prestige or money in that area of practice.

Ok, enough about Faizi. I think I've made my point.

So what do people write on these things? I dunno, I just started. Some great insight into the world? Perhaps my "lifetime" of experiences condensed into few paragraphs?

How about I start small and see where it goes from there? Perhaps just a one liner before I end this and here it is...

Don't worry about things you can't control.

Well that's it for this entry. Exciting, wasn't it?
(I figure if I keep these things small enough I'm more likely to write them)

- Chris

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